Volunteer Information
Fourth of July Committee needs Volunteers for the Parade
Glen Ellyn is The Village of Volunteers, and we need our residents to help us keep this year’s celebration safe and fun for the entire family.
As volunteer committee members representing the 4th of July, we truly understand the role a volunteer plays in making this event run smoothly. As we approach this year’s 4th of July Parade we are seeking volunteers like yourself to make this event a success.
The positions we are looking to fill are Parade Lot Captions. Your role of being a parade lot captain is to line up the parade entries in order, help answer questions, only letting parade entries in the staging area all the while having fun! There will be a pre-parade meeting (date TBD) for an hour at the GE Police Department to hand out assignments and discuss questions. The day of the event, lot captains will check-in at 10:00 a.m. and remain at your post until parade units assigned to your section empty into the moving parade. The parade starts at noon.
We are also looking for Youth Banner Carriers. Children are needed to march in the parade carrying the banners of our amazing sponsors. Children need to be able to walk the 1 mile route down independently. This is a fun for kids and we encourage them to bring friends. There are typically two children per parade banner. Check in is at the start of the parade route and will end at Lake Ellyn. Adults are welcomed to walk with children. Each child participant will receive a $10.00 gift card.
Please click and sign up below, if you are interested in volunteering for the success of the Glen Ellyn 4th of July Parade. Spread the word to your neighbors, family and friends to volunteer with you. It is a fun and rewarding experience.
We hope you will be able to join us!
Barb Mitchell
Amy Frese